Baby Shop's Photo Op

We had a sonogram this week at about 22 1/2 was great to see Baby Shop and how he/she is developing. I'm so glad that he/she was not showing off too much, and we were able to keep our secret a secret. I know everybody thinks I'm crazy but we are so excited about waiting to find out if our little one is a boy or girl, and I know it will be worth it when July arrives and he/she makes an appearance!

Baby Shop is measuring right at about where is expected. His/her legs are measuring slightly ahead the rest of him/her, but I guess it could just be that long legs are in the genes. :c) It was amazing to watch the movement in the sonogram...the tongue sticking in and out, the chambers of the heart beating, the baby kicking and wiggling in response to pressure from the ultrasound machine. I don't know how anybody can watch something like that and not believe in a miracle-creating God!

Since my last post about the pregnancy, Baby Shop has become very active. I will feel movement quite a bit throughout the day, but more when I'm sitting or lying down where I can really pay attention to it. Patrick has been able to even feel a few little kicks on my belly over the past two weeks. It's quite an amazing thing! What's not amazing is the rib pain I have started to have as they are spreading to create room. I'm thinking it's time for some prenatal yoga and a chiropractor visit. Thankfully, I know that I have a baby on the way and it makes all of this worth it! Here are some photos of our little one...