"...and I must go." ~ John Muir

Patrick and I have been talking about going camping for months but we just haven't found the time. We spontaneously decided late this week that this weekend was the perfect chance for us to go camping. We made a last-minute decision on Friday to go to Queen Wilhelmina State Park in Arkansas.

It was a beautiful drive and the views from the campground were just gorgeous! We had a great time hiking, playing Skip-Bo(which of course...I won), and enjoying the scenery. Kaiko was quite a trooper and put up with the long hikes and car ride. She even made up for last time when she wasn't such a guard dog(see A Camping We Will Go) by catching herself a chipmunk. Poor little guy! Here are some pics of our adventures...

View from our tent...

Enjoying the view...

A cool old train on our campground...

Family Picture :c)