My Awesome Hubby

I know that I haven't written in FOREVER, and yes, in case you were wondering, I do realize that I seem to say that each time I put up a post! ha! I figured I would use this special day as a good reason to get my posts going's my hubby's 27th birthday today! Patrick is such an awesome husband and I thank God each and everyday for him. Here's why he's so great...

Top 12 Reasons My Husband Rocks(One for each month of the year)
12. He does the dishes! This seems so silly and little but it means so much to me. After a long day of work, I come home and cook and I don't mind it at all because I know that he is going to help by cleaning up the mess! We have had a "you cook, I clean" agreement since we were dating, and it has always been such a blessing to me.

11. He brings me little "surprises" on his way home from work. It might be a special dessert or my favorite yummy orange 'n cream soda, but it could be just about anything and I would love it because it is from him and it's such a sweet thing to do.

10. He makes me laugh! Even when I'm having a rough day or I'm not feeling well, he can get me laughing to the point of stitches in my sides and tears in my eyes. These are the moments life is about!

9. He buys great, meaningful birthday and Christmas gifts. This is definitely not something I take for granted because I know that it is not a strength among the male population(no offense, guys!) Patrick is not one to usually buy a gift card. He really takes time(even if that is on Christmas Eve when he finally gets around to shopping) to pick out a present for someone that would be special for that specific person.

8. We have fun together! We love many of the same things...hiking, camping, football, Christian music, board games, and Wii...and those things are just twice as sweet when we can enjoy them together.

7. He takes care of me when I am sick. What an awesome job he does at this! When I'm not feeling well, he is quick to jump to my rescue and wait on my every need. I feel like a princess! A very sick...unattractive...whiny...okay, so not like a princess at all...but I digress.

6. He works hard to support our family. Patrick may not absolutely love what he is doing at his job(yet!), but nonetheless, he gets up and works hard each day for us. I appreciate him!

5. He is just so handsome! I love to just look at my hubby's gorgeous eyes ,. He is my dream come true!

4. He loves and values family. Patrick and I have both been blessed with awesome families, and I think it is just so great that we both love and enjoy time with our "in-laws"(you know you've heard the "in-law" horror've seen Everybody Loves know the notoriety of the dreaded "in-law" visits).

3. He is the spiritual leader of our family. Patrick does a great job in leading us in every aspect of our relationship, but especially in our spiritual relationship with God and each other.

2. He not only tells, but also shows, that he loves me each and everyday. There is never a day that goes by that I do not know in my heart of hearts that I am loved and treasured by my husband.

1. He loves God more than me. Patrick and I joke sometimes by saying, "Honey, you're my #2!" The great thing is that it's true. I know without a doubt that no matter how much he loves me, he loves Our Father more and that brings me true joy.

Happy 27th Birthday, Patrick!
I love you!